woah....dad called me last night...
so sudden! and happy!
cos i know my dad dun really like me since im kid...
so im happy when he call me!
he actually called me when im having my dinner...
i left my phone in my bedroom...
not knowing he call...so 3 missed call...
i realise it after my dinner...
called back...
darn...after awhile he called back again...
den we was like chatting chatting n chatting...
din hav a good chance to chat with dad ever since a day before chinese new year...
and last seen him was also e day before chinese new year when we went to his house to have reunion dinner...
his birthday...father's day...his new family son or daughter's birthday i did not present...
i got no ideal why i did not present...maybe is because of my darling i guess...
to ME (my thinking ONLY) my dad is a quite strict person...
and i'm scare he will disapprove our relationship (I SAYING IM SCARE BUT I'M NOT SURE TRUE OR NOT) so i rather not appear in any occasion if he is there....
because me and darling always stick together!
in my mind...his condition of my MR. RIGHT is like rich...and well educated...(his wife told me before when i'm staying with them once)
so when i got together with my darling i will try to avoid....
aiya.. i duno what am i craping now...
conclusion... my opinion to my dad is materialitic (can i say like that?)
so stop this about my dad...
back to our conversation in e phone call...
he ask me to on leave so that i can go to KL and find him...
YESH! i promised him... n im gonna apply my leave later when my lady boss here...
3 days.... from wednesday to friday so is 15, 16 and 17... might be back on friday or saturday...
even if im back on friday im vry sure of my dad...HE SURE ASK ME TO OVERNIGHT AT HIS HOUSE...so i might be staying there on friday....
i just wanted to spend more time with him as i hardly got time wif him....
because im working now...n most of his time wil b at KL as he expend his business to kL...
he told me that his kl business quite good...n his 2nd branch in kl jz opened...so i oso wana go kaypoh n see see...i havent see his business place since he expend to there...
and i know that my dad wans me to help him in his business....but i duno how to say larh...
my mum was worry if im helping my dad...so my mum dun let...
at 1st i was quite object wif my mum cos i was thinking that my dad not a well educated person...
and he really need us in his business but u all know la...my mum brought us up alone so i hav to respect her decision...
n when i decided to cum singapore work...my dad is quite dissapointed...
i know he was sad enough...as he tot that at least got sumbody to help him at da begining...
i got no choice but to follow my mum decision...
i din not hate my mum for making tis decison for me...
cos i know what she done is for my own good...
so tis da nxt few days i wil b helping my dad in business if can...
if not i'll ask him to accompany me to SHOPPING!
and i wil be treating him a big feast!
due to i din giv him b4 $$$ since im out of work...
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